Blog Post #32 - How does Mahfouz illustrate how fate is a major determiner of one's happiness in life?

Prompt: How does Mahfouz illustrate how fate is a major determiner of one's happiness in life?

All through the novel, Thief and The Dogs, Mahfouz outlines the idea of destiny. Destiny is the point at which an occasion is past a people control; it was intended to happen. In light of what the perusers are presented all through the novel, we as of now comprehend that the hero; Said Mahran was conceived inside a low societal foundation. In view of his financial status, it was destiny that he started a thief in any case in light of the absence of opening for work and instruction amid the time. What's more, when he was discharged from jail, he had the decision to change his vocation way. In any case, in light of the conditions of his introduction to the world, burglarizing was the main thing that he knew he could do. Moreover, Fate is a noteworthy idea that decides a people bliss in life as portrayed through Said. Because of these activities, he proceeds out of through and through freedom to seek after his victimizing; even with the full attention to this activity is the thing that set him into jail in any case. Moreover, it was this reoccurring activity (attempting to pick up exact retribution both of Rauf and Ilish - where he fizzled and executed two guiltless individuals) that lead him to his demise toward the finish of the novel. It was destiny that drove him to his passing as it was his harmatia of not being able to perceive the way he sought after despite the fact that he had numerous chances to alter his way of life. A case of the open doors he has had was when Rauf gave him cash toward the start of the novel to enable him to set off on the correct foot. In any case, we can eventually assert that it was destiny that decides one's joy as, all through the novel, the hero is given numerous chances to change his way. Notwithstanding, in view of his feeling of earnestness to look for vindicate that at last affected his own particular joy simultaneously, destiny in the long run assumed control, outdoing him since he was unwilling to change, thusly prompting his passing.


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