Blog Post #29 - Translating texts

Since English has become one of the most used languages used worldwide, there has been a rise in the translation of texts into the English Language. This explosion in texts being translated into English from foreign languages shows us that the world is becoming a more globalized world, combining various cultures, in order to open up to them. By translating texts into a wider used language, people are able to gain an insight into different cultures, in order to develop a level of appreciation to that culture. Although there are always going to be problems with the quality of the translation, there will always continue to be advantages to having translated texts, as they allow cultures to spread globally instead of locally.

As many texts have been not been translated from the same cultures and communities but from various cultures and communities into the English and the Anglophone community. Through translation, the thoughts and ideologies of non-English speaking cultures can be lost creating confusion surrounding that particular culture and community.

It is important for people to understand the culture and the influence it has on the texts and the image surrounding the culture. After reading and discussing in groups articles focused on translation in literature from different cultures, many of the sources presented a positive response or call for more translations and the importance they have for not only the reader but the origin of the text.

Although there are many benefits to having texts translated from a variety of different cultures, translations can turn out to be detrimental to a culture or community, especially if the text has been presented poorly to the ideal audience. Translators are put in a position where they must be open-minded when translating a text so that the true meaning of the text is not lost. When translating texts from a foreign language, translators need to take into consideration the grammatical, vocabulary differences between the languages of the texts.


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