Blog Post #27 - Summer Holiday blog #2

After leaving Newcastle train station on 14th July, I arrived at Manchester Piccadilly train station just after lunch time. Upon arrival, I made my way to the agreed pick up location where I met up with Keith who I was staying with for a week. As he was already there, I didn’t have to wait which made my travels that much easier. After around a 45-minute drive I arrived at his house where I settled in whilst he made me a quick bite to eat. At around 6:30 pm his wife Mary, who is currently the lady captain at the golf club I used to be a member of, arrived home and was happy to see me. The next day the Mary took me to the golf club where I met up with the Keith for lunch and I was able to take a couple of golf clubs so that I could go on the practice areas whilst I was waiting for Keith to finish his competition round which he started at 9 am that morning. When we met up, I went into the clubhouse with him and we had some food and a drink before going to the shops and then going back to the house. The next day, which was Sunday, it was arranged that myself and Keith would be playing golf with his brother in law at 9 am. After our round, we met up with Keith’s sister and had some food in the clubhouse. On Tuesday, Keith, Mary and I decided to go to a different golf club which Mary and I had never played before for a game. On Wednesday, I played in the midweek competition which the men play in every Wednesday if they want to. Finally, on Thursday I played a round which would be my final round before I flew Friday morning with a junior golfer who I knew when I was a member of the club. She is currently a member of the Lancashire ladies golf team and she plays off of scratch which means she has no handicap. The higher the handicap the worse the golfer you are. Although she didn’t play her best on Thursday, the two of us had a great time and enjoyed our game. Now I am currently on a plane continuing my travels to Portugal before I return to the UK to retake my driving test which I previously failed.


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