Blog Post #23 - Tragic Hero
Chinua Achebe chose to characterize, one of the main characters, Okonkwo
by using the tragic hero archetype. Chinua Achebe integrated the tragic hero
archetype by creating a character who generally made a judgment error that lead
to his own destruction. This archetype is commonly associated with the Igbo
culture collapsing which ultimately is a result of Okonkwo's downfall. Throughout
the novel, Achebe effectively included indirect characterization in which third
narration was demonstrated. As readers work their way through the novel, traits
of Okonkwo’s personality seeps through, showing his true colours. Okonkwo,
although seen as a tragic heroic, stands stubbornly for the beliefs and
tradition of the Igbo culture, by constantly being on the prowl to find new
opportunities of achievement. Throughout many sections of the text, Okonkwo shows
how much of a conflicted character he is, which was clearly seen when he
indirectly tells the reader he doesn’t recognize duality although it plays a
significant in the Igbo community. Okonkwo is a plays a significant part in the
sudden reversal of fortune in unpredicted circumstances, referred to as
Overall, Okonkwo both embodies and contradicts Igbo cultures and beliefs
therefore his values are better understood once the reader has a basic
understanding on the Igbo culture. These overarching messages which have been expressed
by the author are important for the reader to know, particularly because the character’s
bizarreness and numerous conflicts equate to a theme which enables the reader to
appreciate the importance behind the concept and context of the novel.
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