Blog Post #18 - Theme of Power

Throughout the play, the theme of power was dominant ultimately causing the main character’s death. The citizens of Rome were having an angry protest as they feel that their leader is denying them access to bare necessities, making them feel as if he is using his power out of conduct. 

Martius leads the Roman army against the Volscian forces who were threatening Rome and were led by Tullus Aufidius. Martius defeated the Volscians in their own city, Corioli, with great bravery, and was given the title of 'Coriolanus' which gave him an excessive amount of pride. When he returned to Rome, he was elected to be a representative. He accepted the honour but was reluctant to gain the trust of the people, due to his hubris and huge ego. His urge to constantly gain more power ultimately ended up with him being exiled from Rome.

He went to the Volscian city of Antium with a disguise and was welcomed by Aufidius, his former enemy. The two of them devised a plan to attack Rome. All attempts to stop them failed until Coriolanus’ family approached him. He couldn’t resist their begging and finally, half-heartedly attempted to make peace. Because of his hubris, Coriolanus allowed himself to be manipulated and killed by his enemy for the possibility of gaining more power.


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