Blog Post #1 - About Me

I have many interests such as golf, Jiu-jitsu, and swimming but in the UAE I only follow my golf as I have not found a swimming club that I like and the Katana Jiu-jitsu I studied is not practiced in the UAE. The most important things that I care about in my life are: my golf, my school results, my family and most of all my friends, but this year my dream is to be able to successfully reduce my score in golf from an average of 82 to 79 as this will make it that I am playing the course to my handicap, therefore making very happy with my position within Troon. I would like this, as I am looking at getting an internship with Troon when I graduate from the Diploma Programme to get some work experience while I take a gap year between finishing the Diploma Programme and starting University.

I have found that learning different languages has opened up many doors for me in life I am not being limited to where I can work in future years. Having learnt 3 languages in my life to the point where I can understand key words still helps me every day as I am able to understand short sentences of people’s conversations. From my experiences, it is very important for all children to study as many languages as possible, especially if the opportunity is given. For example, many schools in the UAE teach at least two languages and English, these languages will either be Arabic and French or Arabic and German depending on the school your child attends. Throughout my life, I have lived in 4 different countries, and because of this there have been many occasions where I have felt excluded from a group of friends whilst they speak among themselves in their native language. The feeling of exclusion from language barriers has mainly happened here in the UAE as many of my friends speak Arabic very well even if they aren't from the UAE. This is due to the fact that many of my friends in the past year have grown up learning Arabic. having only lived in the UAE for two and a half years and have learnt very little Arabic making it hard for me to understand my friends when they are talking amongst themselves.

An image representing me.


  1. What are the 4 countries that you have lived in?

    1. Hi Reem, I have lived in England for 5 years, then Antigua for 5 years and Tortola which is in the British Virgin Islands for 2 years. I have now been living in the UAE for 2 and a half years

  2. This was a good introductory post. I think more students should consider taking a gap year between high school and university. It's cool that you have a goal and passion that would make this experience worthwhile. I believe that much of the content of this first unit will resonate with you having studied several languages.


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